It’s easy to underestimate the dietary flexibility of small animals like the hedgehog, yet omnivores like the hedgehog are some of the most impressive and unusual diet-specialists in the animal kingdom. Omnivorous hedgehogs – the African pygmy hedgehog, European short-eared hedgehog, Chinese long-eared hedgehog, and modified European hedgehog – may seem commonplace in your garden, but they have a wide range of dietary needs. What do omnivorous hedgehogs eat? Omnivorous hedgehogs will consume a wide variety of plant matter, including fruit, nuts, leaves, bark, and flowers.
They are even known to enjoy munching on fresh vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, and sweet potatoes. These interesting little critters also have an appetite for insects, earthworms, beetles, andcrickets. Hedgehogs may also consume small invertebrates like frogs, lizards and mice, as well as egg, making them a unique and fascinating species to observe. It’s important to remember that many of the foods enjoyed by omnivorous hedgehogs may be difficult for them to digest and nutrition can be difficult to come by for these tiny animals. For this reason, it’s important for hedgehog owners to provide a balanced diet of dry and wet food, supplemented with occasional treats.
A good starting place for omnivorous hedgehogs is a pellet-based commercial food that provides a balanced diet. Dry foods should be supplemented with worms, crickets and other insects that are small enough for hedgehogs to digest easily. Fruit, vegetables, and small grilled meats, like chicken and salmon, can also be offered as occasional treats. It’s important to note that not all omnivorous hedgehogs will consume a wide variety of food. Some may stick to insect Is a hedgehog an omnivore or plant-based foods while others may enjoy exploring a range of tastes. It’s important to monitor your pet’s diet to ensure it is receiving a balanced diet and supplement with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients as needed.